Homeschooling is Like Ice Cream


Spring is just around the corner and the season brings with it a time of renewed vigor and thoughts of the bright possibilities to come.  It is also the time of year that homeschool parents start thinking and planning for the next school year! Some of you have already been educating your children for years, but if you are like most parents, you always look to see if you need to change your routine or look at new opportunities to enhance what you are already accomplishing at home.  Others of you are just starting on your homeschool journey and don't even know where to begin.  We hope in the coming weeks to be able to help guide you, whichever phase you are currently in, as you plan the important educational goals for each of your children. 


First, in the planning process, it is wise to look at the different methods of schooling to see which method fits your family.  Think of it like a large ice cream filled waffle cone. Your decision to homeschool is a good foundation like a giant, sweet-smelling waffle cone.  With a slightly crisp waffle cone in your hand, you need to decide which delectable, creamy ice cream to fill it with.  But which flavor should you choose? As you are looking through the slanted glass, you see there are many flavors and colors to choose from.  Right away, some flavors will stand out as possibilities and others will be absolute no-ways! The same will be true as you look at the different homeschool methods.  As you research the methods, you will look at some and know right away they will not be a good fit for your family.  Others you will jot down to investigate a bit more deeply.  Here are a few of the many methods to help you on your search:

Unit Based Studies

Traditional Method (schooling at home)


Charlotte Mason


Classical Education


This is an article by Parents magazine that helps describe a little about some of these methods and more


Like we said, these are just a few of the different approaches you can take to bless your children with a well rounded education.  We do hope that in your planning, you will be thinking about Cedar Hill Academy and the benefits we offer you and your children.  Let us help relieve some of your teaching load and give your time to get other important responsibilities done, let your children create their tribe of friends to collaborate and learn with while they explore learning in new and fun ways that will delight them!


No one has ever said that homeschooling is easy, but it is so worth it! Let's walk this journey together as we help lighten your load through support, create friendships and have fun on this education adventure!
