Reading is the Magic Key

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The Who Was? Series is very distinguishable by the unique cover art by Nancy Harrison. Each cover accurately reflects the life of the individual with vivid details that really help you recall the information you are learning long after you set the book down.

While these are chapter books, the font and size of print in these books are perfect for the intermediate reader. It would be a excellent book to “partner read” with your child. Partner reading is a very simple concept that can help your children gain confidence and build reading stamina in reluctant or early readers.

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We are busily transforming the Cedar Hill Academy facility with anticipated excitement for fall classes to start in September! Our library is growing and we will have ample amounts of titles to choose from to excite our students. We hope to help instill the love of reading and learning into all of the children at Cedar Hill Academy. One of our favorite quotes is by Alice Joyce Davidson, “Reading is the magic key to take you where you want to be.” With a good book and an abundant imagination, adventures have endless possibilities!


Reading well written literature is one of the richest and most fun forms of gaining knowledge.  There are countless types of books to get lost in, but if you have a young learner that loves non-fiction, the Who Was? Series of books will fast become a favorite.  There are 178 different titles in this series, ranging from Michael Jordan to Nikola Tesla to Abraham Lincoln.  As Presidents Day approaches, we encourage you to choose one of the eleven president illustrated biographies or even one of the five first ladies that have been featured so far and read it with your children. You will probably learn just as much as they do! You can usually find most of the titles at your public library or they do have them on Amazon as well.

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Simply choose a book and ask them to “partner” with you in reading the page. If you have a child that is very reluctant, start with one sentence, then you read the rest of the page. As his/her certainty in their ability builds, ask if they would like to increase the amount of reading they do each time you sit and read. You will be amazed at how quickly their abilities increase and blossom!
