Why Should You Choose a Homeschool Enrichment Program?


As a homeschool parent, life can be overwhelming and flat out hard.  You never feel like you get enough done, whether that be school work, housework, parenting, jobs, helping people… basically there is not enough time!  At the end of the day, we all want to lay down our head on our pillow and think to ourselves, “That was a wonderfully productive day! The house is clean, laundry done and put away, I studied my Bible, everyone was fed three healthy meals, school work went well and I got done what I planned, sports practices were successful, I helped the neighbor, worked the amount of hours I needed to at my job, got to take a shower and relax.” If you have ever had a moment like this, you know they rarely happen!

It is time to step back and reassess what you can do to help make life run more smoothly! Sometimes, that means that you choose to get help in areas that profit your family the most.  If you are a homeschool parent, one of the ways to create more time in your week is to add enrichment classes to your children’s’ education plan to boost their learning and provide some time for you to get other life necessities done! 

As a homeschool parent you are fully involved in your child’s learning plan so just adding activities without really looking at the benefits is not your style.  So, how do you choose a program that will fit your family’s needs?  Here are a few tips on how to find the program that will be the perfect fit for your family:

1.       Does the teacher teach in the style that your student learns best? 

2.       Do the moral values of the teacher match your families?

3.       Is the program designed to help relieve some of the pressure of teaching every subject at home?

4.       Will your child get the social interaction they crave?

5.       Is the class size small enough that your student will thrive?

At Cedar Hill Academy, we are committed to having a fun, nurturing hands-on environment where students can blossom as they learn.  They will be able to get messy doing projects that will capture the wonder of learning and the perfect part….you don’t have to plan the activity or clean up the mess! We feel strongly that children learn best when they are passionate about what they are doing. We all learn best that way!  With the unit study method of teaching, all of the subjects that children would normally whine and complain about become integrated into new discoveries each class day that they look forward to experiencing. No more morning tears about learning!

If you would like a Christian homeschool mentor to help guide you on your journey, classes that your children can’t wait to come to and which enhance their learning adventure, and extra time in your week, you have come to the right place.  We welcome you with a hug, warm cup of tea or coffee (hello… Mom caffeine bar) and the wisdom of many years of teaching.  We are excited to partner together on this experience of a lifetime! 
