In our last blog post we were talking all about the stages of homeschooling and how to meet your homeschool goals. If you have never written out goals with your children, it is always a great way to start the new year! 2020 not only brings a new year but a new decade. Sit and think for just a moment how much life will change in 10 years. Will your children still be at home or off to college? They might even be married with children by then! Now is the time to make a fresh start and build your hope for the future. The only limitations are your own thoughts and breaking those barriers might just be the key to having the best year yet with your children!
We have a beautiful older woman in our church congregation that is full of wisdom that she has gained over the years. She has taught many women in her time and one thing that she always emphasizes is how to set goals based on the scripture in Luke 2:52. That verse says,
"And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man."
Although God’s Word is complete, she did add one thing to her goal list that isn't listed in this specific verse, financial. We feel like that is fitting because the bible does talk alot about our financial lives as well. (Dave Ramsey is the expert here!)
If this method of living was good enough for Jesus, it is definitely good enough for us! Keeping Jesus in our mind as we set goals for the new year gives us a sense of purpose and power to accomplish great things with the days He has given us! We want to give you a head start to easily create goals with your children based on this verse so please feel free to download this pdf and print one for each of your children.
As you can see, this goal setting outline doesn’t just want you to blindly write your goal and then file it away to never be thought of again. Take the goal and break it down into actionable steps. This helps fit the overwhelm and gives your children the confidence that they need to actually accomplish their dreams! Don’t forget to add their reason why. On the days that we don’t want to work on our goals, because lets face it, it isn’t always fun to grow when we are smack dab in the process, they will keep working at it because they can look up and think to themselves, “Oh yeah, that is WHY I want to accomplish this goal.” Now, let’s get going and make this year spectacular!
Our next post will be all about making goal setting fun….stay tuned for that! If you don’t want to miss out on any blog posts, Cedar Hill news or upcoming events, click here to join our email list.