Bring Joy to Your Homeschooling by Choosing the Right Curriculum

We have looked at some of the methods of homeschooling, now let's take one step further on the homeschooling journey together....curriculum.  Before we start on that important decision, we want you to know, we strongly feel that any curriculum you choose should be used as a tutor, not a master.  It is so easy to fall prey to the idea that you must do everything that a curriculum says and stay on the authors timeline.  If you teach by this idea, you and your children will start to see the joy run out of your days as the added stress will create tension in your home. Rushing through a topic because you need to be on lesson X by such and such a date, defeats the idea that learning should be a fun and a marvelous journey of discovery.  Yes, there will be times that you will need to buckle down and just get your lessons done but we pray that most of your time learning together with your children is full of happy and interest filled moments.  With that said, curriculum can and is a very important asset and tool as you homeschool. 

There are two very important things to consider when you are choosing curriculum.  First, what is your teaching style?  Do you like to have a scripted teachers manual that tells you exactly what to say and has your lessons all planned and organized?  Do you like to have a main topic and then take it from there exploring whatever you or your child feels is the most exciting, related and relative sub-topic day by day?  These are two extremes, but you can probably think to yourself as you read these two examples which one you fall closer to.  There are many online quizzes to find out your teaching style, so have a little fun discovering your personal preferences.  Next, a very important step in having a successful homeschool journey is knowing what learning style your children are.  We do think the best approach to learning should be hands-on that incorporates as many of the learning styles as possible, but each of your children will usually favor one or two of the typical learning styles.  See the graph below for a short overview to help you determine your children's style.  If you have more than one child you are teaching, you will most likely have more than one learning style in your home.  Once you understand how your child learns best, you can easily adapt most curriculums to fit their needs.  Always remember though, for best retention and enjoyment, capitalize on you and your students’ strengths as you choose your path of education.

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One of the reasons that we are so excited to be on your journey with you, is that we know that it can be hard to walk alone.  Not only are you supposed to teach your children by planning their education, but you have other household and maybe even professional workloads to take care of and attend too.   Choosing to benefit from enrichment classes with a few half days a week, will alleviate some of the pressure you feel. You will have a little extra time to do life's necessary things like planning your at home learning time, grocery shopping, phone calls or even an uninterrupted cup of coffee at Starbucks!  Additionally, your children will get the social interaction that they crave and be infused with the excitement of joyfully learning. That is why we are looking forward to starting the Saplings and Seedling classes in September! We strongly believe that you and your children will be getting the best education as we partner together.  We are also here to support you as you wade through the mountains of curriculum that is offered out there!  We have asked some well-respected, veteran homeschool moms for feedback on curriculums they have used and love. Over the coming weeks, we will impart their thoughts with you about Sonlight, All About Reading, Classical Conversations and more! 


Are you struggling with making a decision on curriculum or adding enrichment classes to your homeschool days?  We would love to chat!  Leave a comment or send us an email so we can support you on your journey!



Three take aways to help guide you:

1. Never to be the slave to your curriculum. 

2. Prayerfully choose a curriculum that fits your teaching style and your children's learning styles.

3. Don't hesitate to ask us for help and guidance.  We are here for you!